Beyond The Mountain Wellness

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Disclaimer: This is an article for those individuals who plan to get a Covid-19 vaccine. This is not an article debating vaccines. 

How Vaccines Work

Vaccines train our immune systems to create antibodies that fight specific diseases.  Once the body produces antibodies in its primary response to an antigen (disease), it also creates antibody-producing memory cells, which remain alive even after the pathogen is defeated by the antibodies.  If the body is exposed to the same pathogen more than once, the antibody response is fast because the memory cells are ready to pump out antibodies against the disease.  A vaccine prompts the immune system to respond to a disease much as it would have on its first reaction to the actual pathogen, which helps us avoid getting sick. 

Side Effects

If people experience side effects from taking a vaccine, it is usually from the activator that is used to provoke the immune system to respond.  In other words, if your immune system is weak or compromised, when asked to respond to a new pathogen it might not be fully ready to do so.  This is why boosting your immune system before you take a vaccine can help your body prevent any reactions.  And having a strong immune system can help the vaccine be more effective as your body can produce more antibody-producing memory cells when your immune system is robust.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses, given 3-4 weeks apart. This is needed to allow for the production of long-lived antibodies and development of memory cells. In this way, the body is trained to fight the specific disease-causing organism, building up memory of the pathogen to rapidly fight it if exposed in the future.  There are reports that the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine produces worse side effects than the first one.  This is most likely because the body’s immune system is run down from fighting off the viral load from the first vaccine and it shows how important it is to help strengthen your body’s immune response before both doses. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is now available in a single dose, and the following suggestions are appropriate for all three of the vaccines.

Groups More Likely to Have Adverse Reactions

Data from past vaccination records show that the following groups are more likely to have adverse reactions from vaccines:

  • Immunocompromised individuals

  • Individuals with history of severe allergies

  • Individuals with higher loads of environmental toxins

  • Individuals with a history of gastrointestinal issues

  • Individuals with genetic abnormalities 

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine can be extremely advantageous to discover if you fit into any of these at-risk categories by using at-home, non-invasive tests to measure exactly what is happening inside your body.  There are simple saliva or urine adrenal tests to see how well your immune system and brain are responding to daily stressors.  There are urine and at home blood tests to measure environmental and mycotoxin exposure stored in our bodies.  There are many tests on the market that can measure a detailed analysis of your nutrient deficiencies from one simple urine sample. There are gut tests to help reveal the inner-workings of your microbiome, which is often a sign of the integrity of your own natural defense mechanisms.  The best part is every single finding on these tests has a clear treatment protocol all using natural supplementation to provide swift recovery and repair.

To find out if Functional Medicine is right for you, feel free to book a free 15 minute phone call. For questions about vaccine health, please email only.

Strengthen your immune system naturally

If you’d rather not go down the functional medicine testing route, there are still targeted steps you can take to prepare for the COVID 19 vaccination. There is no argument that the stronger your immune system is prior to receiving a vaccine, the less likely you are to have negative side effects. There are many effective ways to strengthen your immune system naturally.  Feel free to review my blog on immune health by clicking here.

4 Supplements to take before getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

All the supplements mentioned below are available at discounted prices and are shipped directly to your door. Sign up for a free account on my online pharmacy by clicking the button below. I’ve also listed my preferred brands that I trust. Here are my top four supplementation recommendations that are specifically targeted to support Covid-19 vaccination:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has proved to be a key player in both the prevention and treatment of COVID 19. A recent study showed that 80% of patients hospitalized due to COVID 19 had low levels of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D blocks viral acquisition by strengthening barriers, it inhibits viral replication, it supports immune defense systems, it supports mitochondrial function in your cells, and it reduces inflammation.  It is advised to begin supplementing with Vitamin D right away.

Recommended Dose: 4000 IU/Day 

Bio-D-Mulsion by Biotics Research- drops

Vitamin D Supreme by Designs for Health- pills


Vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium and selenium are some of the best nutrients to help boost your immune system. Furthermore, recent research has indicated that the micronutrients folate (vitamin B9), niacin (vitamin B3) and vitamin C may be important for various aspects of DNA and chromosome integrity in that they help DNA synthesis and repair.  This is particularly relevant to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines as they include mRNA in its ingredients.  Most multivitamins include all of these vitamins and minerals within one product.  It is advised to start taking a multivitamin immediately as these ingredients can help lesson the symptoms of COVID 19.

Recommendations: Follow dosing instructions on bottles

PhytoMulti by Metagenics 

Pro-Multi Plus by Biotics Research  


Glutathione acts as an important antioxidant in your body by combatting free radicals (molecules that can damage your body’s cells).  Glutathione and NAC play an important role in many reactions in your body as they help you detox chemicals from drugs and pollutants as well as the ones your body creates naturally. Glutathione and NAC also help make DNA, support enzyme production and increase immune function.  Although there is no thimerosal or other preservatives in the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, the oxidative load of the replication of the COVID 19 virus itself is enough to warrant detoxification support.  There are also many studies confirming that the use of glutathione and NAC decrease the harmful symptoms of COVID 19 making it in your best interest to take these as soon as possible up until four weeks after your final vaccination. 


Liposomal Glutathione by Quicksilver Scientific, 2 pumps 2x daily

N-Acetyl Cysteine by Designs for Health, 1000-3000mg daily


Probiotics are living microorganisms that can be consumed through fermented foods and supplements. Studies of the relationship between the microbiome and the function of the immune system are demonstrating novel concepts that could significantly alter the way we treat disease and promote wellness. Probiotics help boost your immune system by inhibiting growth of harmful gut bacteria as well as promote the production of natural antibodies. There are three different groups of probiotics: Lactobacillus, Soil/Spore based, and Saccharomyces Boulardii probiotics. Functional stool testing can determine which probiotic is best for your microbiome but in the meantime, you can use my temporary cheat sheet:

-Lactobacillus/Bifidobacteria probiotics are the most common on the market and best for people with no history of gastrointestinal issues.

Recommendation: Follow directions on bottle

BioDoph-7 plus by Biotics Research 

Strengtia by Apex 

-Soil/Spore based probiotics are best for people with a history of gastrointestinal issues especially with bloating and constipation.

Recommendation: 1-2 pills before bed

ProbioSpore by Designs for Health

-Saccharomyces Boulardii are best for people with a history of gastrointestinal issues especially with loose stools, diarrhea and/or candida.

Recommendation: 1-2 pills 2x daily

Saccharomyces Boulardii by Biotics Research

A PROTOCOL FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER THE 2ND DOSE OF Pfizer/Moderna or 1st dose J&J vaccine:

Other than ample water, rest and a good diet, it is important to the support the body after receiving a vaccination. The main goal is to keep the stools moving and promote detox pathways while encouraging proper bile flow so toxins do not stay in your adipose cells.  Try this protocol from Quicksilver Scientific products:

2 pumps of liposomal Glutathione 2x daily

1 tsp Liver Sauce 2x daily

Sensitive or Ultra Binder in 8oz water 30 minutes after the liver sauce for 10 days on, 4 off

For a more affordable binder, try G.I. Detox by Biocidin.

If at any point there is intolerance, reduce dose as needed.


  1. Make sure you are well rested. If you have a choice, get the vaccine on a day before you have time off from work so you can rest the following day.

  2. Make sure your stools are moving regularly. If not, they can’t cleanse and detox the body.

  3. Eat a clean diet the days leading up to the vaccine. Try to avoid sugars and artificial sweeteners as these can cause inflammation.

  4. Do not take the vaccine if you are actively sick.

If you’d like to learn more about Functional Medicine and what it can do you for your health, please schedule a free 15 minute consultation. For questions about vaccine health, please email only.