How to treat and prevent Long COVID with Functional Medicine

Long Covid Symptoms

Long COVID is defined as a range of symptoms that can last weeks or months after being infected with the COVID-19 virus, or it can appear weeks after the infection. Long COVID can happen to anyone with COVID-19, even if their illness was mild or asymptomatic. The most common symptoms of long COVID are chronic fatigue, brain fog, respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and even an increase in the incidence of diabetes. COVID attacks the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, adrenals, brain, immune system, lungs, muscles, and pancreas. As we better understand COVID’s effect on our bodies, we also have a more precise application of functional testing, foods, and supplements to alleviate many of the symptoms of long COVID.

Although these last few years have been difficult, the time has allowed for many studies and larger sample sizes of information. Furthermore, in my practice, functional testing has shown more distinct patterns that indicate where COVID damages the body and how we can fix it. Functional testing uses specific labs to understand what is going on in the body’s ecosystem to search for the root causes of the ailments. Through adrenal, microbiome, and organic acid testing, many answers and successful treatments are provided to people struggling with long COVID. If you are struggling with long COVID or would like to prevent long COVID, please reach out to discuss functional testing.


This article summarizes some studies and findings on how COVID affects our bodies and why it might cause long COVID. It also offers suggestions for broader spectrum treatments if you prefer not to do any functional testing. The best results for treating long COVID thus far, based on specific symptoms, are the following supplements that are all discussed in more detail below:

  • Multivitamins and minerals- to refill the high demand from a COVID infection

  • Soil/spore-based probiotics- to build microbiome and restore growth of ACE2 receptors

  • Butyrate- for brain function and gut support

  • L-Arginine- nitrate to help repair blood vessels

  • Mitochondria combination products with CoQ10- to help repair the engines of our cells

  • Adaptogens- to support adrenal function

  • Diets high in polyphenol and fiber

  • Anti-inflammatories such as Curcumin, Resveratrol, SPM, Omegas & Quercetin

  • Glutathione/NAC- to support detoxification

If you just tested positive for COVID and do not have many symptoms, I strongly recommend you take this combination:

  • Multivitamins

  • Soil/spore-based probiotics

  • Rotate through: Curcumin, Resveratrol, Omegas & Quercetin

Please note that not all supplement companies are created equal. After careful research, I provide my preferred brands, which can all be purchased at discounted prices after signing up for a free account here:

Generalized SYMPTOMS

Functional testing on patients with COVID are unanimously showing that this virus demands many vitamins and minerals from our bodies to fight it off. B vitamins help enzymes in our bodies do their jobs and are important for a wide range of cellular functions. Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants and important in the detoxification process. Minerals keep our bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly and help make enzymes and hormones. All of these and more can be found in a good multivitamin, and that alone can be a great place to start. Glutathione acts as an important antioxidant in our body by combatting free radicals (molecules that can damage our body’s cells) and supplementation with it or NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) can assist the liver in clearing the COVID virus out of the body. For even stronger detoxification, consider a NRF2 product.

Suggested brands:


  • Phytomulti by Metagenics

  • Pro-Multi by Biotics

  • Twice Daily Multi by Designs for Health


  • Liposomal Glutathione by Quicksilver Scientific or Designs for Health

  • NAC is hard to find right now

  • NRF2 Modulator by Designs for Health

  • NRF2 Detox by Pure Encapsulations

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

The balance of bacteria in our intestines, called our microbiome, controls our immune system. If someone has a healthy microbiome, they are less likely to get sick from COVID, and conversely, if they have more imbalances in their gut flora, they are likely to get more unwell from covid. Studies show that COVID directly attacks the gastrointestinal system by causing a loss of diversity of our microbes, a loss of beneficial bacteria, an expansion of pro-inflammatory bacteria, and yeast overgrowth. A loss of beneficial bacteria can also increase the likelihood of a leaky gut (increased permeability of the intestines) which is a major source of inflammation.

The best way to assess the damage of COVID on your GI system is with a functional stool test. These tests use PCR technology to examine the DNA of everything growing in your microbiome and allow for targeted treatment. If this is not in your budget, the next best strategy is to improve the balance of your gut bacteria with diet, butyrate, prebiotics, and probiotics. If you have had COVID, studies show that a soil-based organism probiotic is your best option. (Please note this is a particular kind of probiotic). These soil-based organisms secrete alpha-interferon, a protein produced by cells of the immune system. COVID finds a way to turn off alpha-interferon, which is what allows the virus to so effectively establish itself. When exposed to a virus, our early response is in the production of alpha-interferon, so a soil-based probiotic can help prevent and treat symptoms of COVID and long COVID.

Suggested brands:

  • Probiospore by Designs for Health

  • MegaSporeBiotic by Microbiome Labs

BRAIN Symptoms

A study in the UK through the Biobank database had subjects who received brain MRIs before COVID repeat their brain MRIs after contracting COVID. They found that the subjects who had COVID showed changes in their MRIs in that there was a loss of brain matter in parts of the brain associated with cognitive function. Loss of smell and taste can be associated with these areas of the brain, and damage to it can cause deficits in cognitive function. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a crucial molecule related to learning and memory. Patients with COVID showed a change of expression of the BDNF, causing symptoms of memory loss, brain fog, and slower cognitive function. A functional medicine organic acids test is a fast and easy way to test the brain for damage COVID has had on the neurotransmitters. Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, and NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) help with the production of BDNF and can significantly improve cognitive and neurological issues. Butyrate is also excellent for the gut lining and can be used with soil-based probiotics. Omega 3 fats can help regenerate nerve cells which can help repair the brain. SPM’s are a stronger form of Omegas and can quickly reduce brain inflammation.

Suggested brands:


  • Tri-Butyrin Supreme by Designs for Health

  • Butyrate Sodium by Biobody

  • SunButyrate by Pure


  • 2400mg EPA/DHA a day

  • Biomega by Biotics Research

  • ProOmega by Nordic Naturals


  • SPM Supreme by Designs for Health

  • SPM Active by Metagenics

CardioVASCULAR symptoms

Think of our healthy blood vessels as an ice-skating rink that has just been smoothed over. The first thing that gets injured by COVID is our endothelial cells which means that our smooth ice-skating rinks look more like they just hosted a hockey game. These endothelial cells form a single cell layer that lines all blood vessels and regulates exchanges between the bloodstream and the surrounding tissues. Remember that blood vessels go through our entire body, including our organs, so COVID’s attack on the endothelial cells can cause massive damage to our bodies, especially in our cardiovascular system. This is likely why people are experiencing high blood pressure as a long COVID symptom. These injured cells can be repaired with nitric oxide. In the body, the amino acid arginine and citrulline change into nitric oxide, which can help the blood vessels relax, repair, and improve circulation. A functional ION test can measure your need for arginine and citrulline, or you can directly supplement with them. A BEMER PEMF machine can improve circulation; however, it is often cost-prohibitive. A diet high in nitrate-rich foods such as beets, radishes, leeks, turnips, and leafy greens and supplementation with arginine is recommended.

Suggested brands:

  • L-Arginine by Biotics Research

  • L-Arginine by Designs for Health

  • Arginine Plus by Metagenics

Mitochondria SYMPTOMS

Each cell in our body has its own engine called mitochondria. These tiny engines require a steady intake of balanced nutrients that allow the mitochondria to make ATP, giving us 85% of our energy. Our mitochondria take a big hit by COVID because this virus requires such a high nutrient count to fight it off. This virus messes with our absorption of vitamins, especially B3, which is essential to mitochondria function. Symptoms of mitochondrial issues include fatigue, heart issues, cognitive issues, and more. A functional medicine test called an organic acids test is excellent at measuring mitochondrial function. Over 75% of my long COVID patients show issues in this area of their testing. Some combination products on the market include many nutrients that help mitochondrial repairs, such as B vitamins, CoQ10, NAC, Carnitine, Lipoic acid, and more. One of these combo products can quickly decrease long COVID symptoms if the problem stems from mitochondrial dysfunction.

Suggested brands:

  • Mitochondrial NRG by Designs for Health

  • VasculoSirt by Biotics

  • Mitocore by Ortho Molecular Products

    Additional support:

  • B3/NAD, NMN plus NAC


Through salvatory and urinary adrenal panels, my long COVID patients are showing patterns of plummeting DHEA and abrupt changes to cortisol levels. COVID’s stress on the body can confuse the feedback loop between the brain and adrenal glands causing adrenal fatigue. The main symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, brain fog, blood sugar crashes, and more. Testing your adrenal response through functional testing is an affordable way to get answers and an excellent place to start for many people. Based on your test results, personal adrenal repair programs can be applied. If you prefer to skip the testing and try to improve your adrenal function with supplementation, you can try the following products:

  • Adrenatone by Designs for Health

  • HPA Axis: Daytime Maintenance by Gaia Herbs

ACE2 Receptors

The angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2, or ACE-2 receptor, is a protein in our bodies that is on the surface of many cell types. Using the spike-like protein, COVID binds to the ACE-2 receptor, providing an entry point for the virus. Covid injures the ACE-2 receptors in the gut, responsible for amino acid absorption. Also, autoantibodies to the virus do not always occur right away and can get created later, which can cause a decrease in ACE-2 even in people that did not gain significant symptoms. A deficiency in ACE-2 receptors is associated with circulation disturbances, blood clots, changes in neurological function, and more. The bacteria “Bacillus Subtilis” found in soil-based organism probiotics have encouraged the growth of ACE-2 receptors. Another reason why using a soil-based organism probiotic helps prevent and treat COVID effectively.


  • Probiospore- By Designs for Health

  • MegaSporeBiotic- By Microbiome labs

prevention of Long Covid

Of course, the best thing anyone can do as we wait to see if COVID reaches our household is to focus on staying healthy. Here are the most effective supplements and lifestyle choices that we see as effective in preventing long COVID:

  • A diet high in polyphenol and fiber with ample fluid

  • Soil-based probiotics

  • Vitamin D

  • Curcumin

  • Resveratrol

  • Quercetin

  • Multivitamins

  • Decrease in sugars and processed foods

Combination products for the prevention of COVID:

  • Immune Support Packs by Biotics Research 

  • BioFizz Immune by Designs for Health 

To learn more about how functional medicine can help your health: